5 Ways to Manage Your Garden Lawns in Spring and Summer.

Spring is in the air and with that many people are enjoying time outside in their gardens and giving them some TLC after the long winter. For those with lawns, large or small, here are few tips to nurture them through the spring and summer growing months. Regular ongoing maintenance especially, in spring, is the key to ensuring you can enjoy your lawn throughout the sunny season.
As the weather gets warmer your grass will start to grow. Regular cutting will ensure good growth and keep it in good health. Little and often is better! Especially as spring moves into summer and growth increases. If you cut the grass too short this could stunt the growth for the season and cause damage.
Managing moss
Moss is always problematic in damp, poorly drained lawns. This is inevitable in any garden as grass grows, the root bed increases in size and gets compacted with use. Spring is a great time to remedy this!
Your first priority is to improve the drainage of the garden using a garden fork ( or potentially a larger tool depending on the size of your lawn) and systematically working around the lawn, sticking the fork into the grass and wiggling it around. Repeat this every 6 inches or so. You can then sprinkle a mixture of topsoil, compost and sharp sand into the holes by brushing it in with a hard bristle brush. This will improve drainage and also help to feed the grass and fight the moss growth. After doing this you can follow up with scarifying the grass and removing any excess moss by using a garden rake. If you are looking to invest in new garden tools then have a look at our Greenman tool’s page which with their wooden ash handles and stainless steal heads are perfect for any job in the garden. Shop Greenman tools by following this link. We are offering 25% of all Greenman Tools until the end of May 2021.
Feeding your lawn in spring will increase its vigour and help prevent weeds and moss from establishing in the first place. We recommend, and use on our own lawns, Suregrow fertiliser which is perfect for the job. Suregrow also works well in horse paddocks! It supports your lawn throughout the growing season to produce great layer of consistent grass growth. It should be applied when rain is expected for it to work most effectively. Learn more about Suregrow fertiliser by following this link.
After moss or weeds have been treated and removed, or where grass is growing sparsely, over-seeding may be necessary. Mid Spring or early autumn are the best time for this job.
We sell Hard and Fine wearing grass seed in 1kg bags which covers 40 square metres. For larger areas we also sell 20kg bags.
While lawns can turn brown and dry over summer, they usually recover well when rains return. Therefore it’s usually not necessary to water your lawn over summer.
However if you do have to water the lawn and maintain a green sward, water only when the soil becomes dry, but before the grass turns yellow or brown. If the ground is very hard, aerate it by spiking with a garden fork before watering, to aid water penetration. Watering once a week to every 10 days is normally sufficient.
We hope you have found these ideas useful and that they have inspired your lawn maintenance for this year. If in doubt please feel free to get in touch for advice on the best products for the job you have in mind