Our COVID 19 operating procedures.

Due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic we have made necessary alterations to the way that we operate in the shop in order to keep our staff and customer safe. Since the lifting of government restrictions on the 19th July 2021 we have decided to keep many of operating procedures in place. We are constantly monitoring the situation and believe this to be the best way forward. Updated 04/08/2021
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-17:30 and Saturday 08:00-17:00
- Home food deliveries: For those who are shielding or who do not wish to enter the shop we offer a set amount of delivery slots every morning. Please call to see availability.
- Everyone that enters the shop will be offered the opportunity to sanitize their hands before entering.
- Our staff will continue to wear face coverings and support all of our customers to do the same.
- All Customers are asked to continue to adhere to social distancing and always keep 2m from other customers and members of the Baileys team.
- There is a one way system for queuing at the tills to ensure that all customers and staff can remain at a safe distance.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch 01326 379888 or online@baileyscountrystore.co.uk.