Suregrow Paddock Grass Seed Mix

  • Special blend of grass seed suitable for patching and re-seeding horse and pony paddocks

  • Quickly established

  • Steady growth throughout the season

  • Hard wearing and durable

  • Dense sward

  • Contains Timothy, Meadow Grass and Fescues in addition to Ryegrass

  • Can be spread by hand

  • Available in 10kg bags

Grass seed can be sown at anytime from March to September/October ideally when the soil is moist or when rain is forecast and the weather is frost free. If possible keep the horses off for 2-3 weeks and once the grass is showing apply Suregrow horse and pony paddock fertiliser.

Sow at a rate of 15kg per acre into a fine tilth seed bed covered by lightly harrowing and then roll to produce a firm seed bed

Loosen soil on bare patches by raking or grass harrows. Scatter grass seed at the rate of 15kgs per acre if using a spreader or at a rate of 10 grams (2 tablespoons) per square metre by hand. Cover seed by lightly raking or harrowing and then firm by rolling or walking on.


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